Current Writings and Interviews
March 2025: From Louise: Anatomy of a Top - Seven Questions for Selling Discipline (a 3 page PDF).
August 17, 2023: Louise was mentioned by Arthur Cashin, Head of Floor Operations at UBS: One Of The Greatest Sell Signals On The Stock Market You Will Ever See In Your Life. Cashin also covered the topic a few days later in his Cashin's Comments (a 7 page PDF).
June 9, 2023: Bonds Are Entering a New Era. How to Play It. by Randall W. Forsyth. Both Louise and Dan Fuss are cautious now, with a strong preference for short-term Treasury bills.
April 20, 2023: Structural 40-Year Interest Rate Reversal, (December 2022-January 2023) (7 page PDF, 1MB)
February 2, 2023: In this video, Bonds: 'We are now in
the new rising rate cycle,' technical analyst says, Louise is interviewed by Julie Hyman of Yahoo Finance. She discusses her technical analysis of a new rising rate cycle and the outlook for Meta stock.
January 26, 2023: All Declines Are Not Equal (5 page PDF, 3MB)
December 7, 2022: Louise was interviewed by Katie Stockton, the Founder
& Managing Partner of Fairlead Strategies. The topic was
"Structural Interest Rate Reversal Finally Underway?" and the 36 minute interview is available
on Vimeo.
Among those who listened to the interview was Suze Orman, and she discussed what Louise had to say on the December 11th
episode of her Women and Money podcast (starting 18:28 minutes into the show).
October 27, 2022: Louise was interviewed for an hour by Louis Llanes on The Market Call Show! The interview is available
on YouTube.
October 2022: All Advances Are Not Equal within an Overall Bear Market Rally (5 page PDF, 1MB)
July 2022: A Conversation With Louise Yamada
- An interview in Stocks & Commodities magazine (8 page PDF, 42MB)
July 2022: Negative Reflections on Housing Stocks (7 page PDF, 1MB)
May 2022: Negative Divergences Often Warn of Impending Declines: Bitcoin Highlighted ... is Gold Next? (7 page PDF, 1MB)
March 2022: Structural Reversal for the Energy Sector? (2 page PDF)
January 2022: Structural Yield Reversal Finally within Reach? (3 page PDF)
September 20, 2021: Dow Theory: Offering a Market Warning? (6 page PDF)
July 3, 2021: OIL: Structural Reversal Underway? (5 page PDF)
A note from Louise Yamada
After 25 years at Smith Barney / Citigroup and 15 years independent as LY Advisors, LLC., in December 2022, I decided to retire from my monthly publishing deadlines. I have enjoyed the markets' challenge and hope we have served clients well with market direction and education in Technical Analysis to provide both safe passage and opportunity through the years. Note some key calls below.
I remain available for Portfolio Review Consulting requests and Educational events.
This Website will remain available for Announcements, Writings, etc... Likewise, my email address, will remain intact.
I hope to compile a collection of Special Features and Educational pieces,
posting details on this website.
Our colleague of 27 years, Jonathan Lin,
has begun a monthly analytical Technical Analysis report for clients, to which I may contribute ad hoc.
His new company is JTL Market Technicals LLC.
Jonathan can be contacted at along with his CV.)
The Technical mission remains unchanged: Objectives include analysis of the US equity markets and stocks,
identifying "Buy and Sell Signals;" identification of S&P Sector / Industry outperformance / underperformance;
shifts in leadership; US interest rate analysis, along with the US dollar, other Currencies, Energy and
Metals complexes; risk management for preservation of capital; inter-market relationships; Educational Pieces, Special Features and Think Pieces, including long-term macro historical perspectives.
Most Sincerely,
Louise Yamada, CMT
August 2021
Louise is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and a member of the Charted Market Technicians Association, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts and for years, the Financial Women's Association. Louise appeared as a special guest on "Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street" and appeared frequently on Bloomberg TV and Radio, CNBC and BNN TV as well as in print and online media including Barron's, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Yahoo Finance and the Financial Times. She had been a frequent guest speaker at conferences and organizations.
Louise's Important Calls / Special Features at LYAdvisors have included:
- June 2019: New bull market for gold.
- February 2017: U.S. Stock Market Piercing 20,000 With New Breakouts. The advance should continue.
- May 2015: Correction on the Horizon
- Early 2014: Energy sector breaks six-year Relative Strength support ... Structural Bear
Market ahead
- January 2013: Gold depicting two-year Top
- February 2010: Setting the Stage: Preparing a Mind Set for a New Structural Rising Interest Rate Cycle
2010 Demographics, Equities and the Long Wave Cycle
2010 Commodities: Inflationary Forces Still Moving to consumer Essentials
- September 2009: Gold - Anatomy of a Bottom; Long-Term Momentum Buy Signals Complete; The
Structural Bull Journey - History
- 2008: U.S.Stock Market ... Next Leg Down
- 2008: Financials Decline is a Long- Term Structural Event - Relative Strength multi-year top warning.
- 2008: Expectations of a Structural Bear Market
- 2007: Anatomy of a Top
- 2007 Financials Sector Bull Market Over
- 2007 NASDQ New Leaders - Technology
- 2006: Long Shadows on the U.S. Dollar (losing reserve status?)
- 2005: A "Less Americentric" World; Bull Bear Hybrid
- 2004: Alternate Hypothesis; could the 2000-2002-2008 equity market track the 1929-1932-1938- stock market? (It did.)